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RA with no weight loss.
9/23 17:23:11

Almost everything I have read regarding symptoms of RA say, "loss if appetite and weight loss."  If anything I keep getting heavier and that's hard on my joints.  I realize I am not very active anymore because I don't have the energy to exercise and I'm limited on the type of exercise anyway.  I was on steroids for about a year, but have been off for over 4 years.Any ideas why I seem to gain weight when everyone else with RA seems to loose it?


Ra affects everyone different. While more people lose weight with RA, it is not unusual to gain weight either. Some people do not see a loss of appetite, when that is the case you will usually gain weight. The reason is the one you listed. If you don't lose your appetite and become less active because of the RA then you gain weight. Many people gain weight with steroids but that is should not be the case with you. Some people once they have been on steroids have a hard time keeping the weight off.

I wish you well.


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