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Scleroderma and raynauds
9/23 17:21:41

I'm now 23 and was diagnosed at age 21 with Hashimoto's thyroid disorder. By that winter I started to get Pernio like spots on my fingers and had a few toes that remained blue and cold/numb throughought the winter. A dermatologist performed a biopsy and ruled out vasculitis but pernio was inconclusive. The vascular specialist advised me to wait for summer and if symptoms remained he would put me on a low dose calcium channel blocker. By May they went away and my thyroid levels were under control. When winter came it was back with a vengeance. I now have Raynaud's and its horrible and lasts all year round. Any time Im in air conditioning they turn white and as soon as i go outside they turn purple then pink/red. Now my joints in my fingers, wrists and ankle are very painful even at night while lying in bed they hurt eventhough they aren't visibly swollen. I know someone who had similar condition and later discovered she had scleroderma and lupus. ANA tests done in 2006 were negative. I am a student Nurse in my senior year and other than the labs and tests i know whats going on with my body. I hate to go to the dr and feel like they see me as a hypochondriac!. I guess what i'm asking is....based on your knowledge does this seem like another autoimmune developing? Im really nervous about it. I mean i wanted to cry when i read your comment about the freezer and raynauds because no one around me knows what i go through.

I'm so sorry you're going through this, but I think you already know you need to continue to pursue a proper diagnosis and treatment.  You'll learn a lot more about the process that will add to your knowledge and compassion as a nurse.

There are forums and websites all over the net that are supportive of individual diseases and conditions - seek them out to find more of those people who understand how Raynaud's can disrupt your life.  Sharing with them can be a great relief of your fears and anxiety.

I hope you get a diagnosis soon and get your symptoms under control.

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