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Avascular Necrosis of Talar Dome
9/21 14:23:54
I have stage III Avascular Necrosis of my medial talar dome.  Surgery is imperative to my treatment, but I am having issues determining rather to see a podiatrist or an orthopedic surgeon.  What advice can you offer?  I am also debating between subtalar fusion (which was presented to me by a podiatrist) or ankle replacement surgery.  Is there a difference in the duration of non-weight bearing status, or the speed of returning to full weight bearing (even with assistive devices)?

Thanks so much!

Dear Bria

To be honest, I have no knowledge of avascular necrosis of the ankle.  But your best bet would be to see which of you doctors has more experience in doing ankle surgery with avascular necrosis and then use that person.  

My gut reaction is that your best bet would be a surgeon.

Sharon DAvis

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