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recovery after hip replacement
9/21 14:21:02
Richard Haynes PTA/CPT - 10/21/2008

How long before I can bend over to put my socks on without an aid?  Ride my bike?  Golf? Dance the Jitterbug, line dance?

Chris,   I am not sure what your surgeon or physical therapist may have told you but for the most part you should be able to put your socks on without an aid in 6 weeks. That will depend on the flexibility of the muscles involved and I suspect they have been stretched during PT.

Riding your bike I would check with your surgeon but again generally its roughly 8 weeks out some its sooner others later depending on your overall health and safety awareness. The surgeon will not want you to take the chance initially of falling off the bike and dislocating it until the healing is further along. Check with the surgeon but for discussion sake 8 weeks.

Jitterbug and line dancing 8-10 weeks out as well. Again this is not knowing much about your overall physical condition so the information  Iam providing is general.

Please remember Chris with any of these activities the main theme is to start SLOWLY. If you go head on with your first attempt you may be so sore you cannot get out of bed in the morning. take these activities slow at first and slowly build into them.

Your new hip will appreciate it and then will serve you well for years to come.

Good Luck Chris.
Richard Haynes
Punta Gorda, Florida.

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