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Lower calf/upper ankle chronic pain
9/21 14:23:35
Adam Rufa - 9/16/2006

I wasn't sure where to go to ask this question. So I apologize if I am in the wrong place. For the past year, I have experienced pain in my lower calf area extending from just above the ankle, and up to the bottom of the calf muscle. It is directly along the back side of my lower leg. It started as pain that I would experience in the evenings, but recently it has begun to hurt all day long. Rest helps it, but won't make it go away all together. I am moderately active, but don't jog or run. I am 43 with no prior injuries in this area. Any idea of what it might be? Should I see a doctor? Thanks.


It is normal to have aches and pains but when pain in a specific area persists for more than a few wks/months I suggest that a medical professional be consulted.  The pain you describe could be many different things.  A few possibilities are: Achilles tendonopathy, referral from low back dysfunction, peripheral nerve or vascular disease just to name a few. Get into your doctor or see a musculoskeletal expert for further diagnosis

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