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pregnancy after hip replacement
9/21 14:21:49
I am 30 years old and had a left total hip replacement 3 years ago. I am now contemplating getting pregnant but I am afraid of doing damage to the hip. My orthopedist says it's fine. Is he right? Or can pregnancy wear the hip down quicker?

Hi Sarah

Congratulations on your decision to get pregnant!

Your orthopod is correct, if the hip is healthy and strong, you should have no problems.  There are several things I would recommend:

1. See if you can get with a high risk pregnancy group and if they would be willing to work with your orthopedist.
2. Keep your weight gain as little as possible but be sure to not endanger your baby.  I gained about 45 pounds with each son I had.
3. Be careful as you get larger.  Your center of gravity will change as you gain weight, so be careful you don't fall or get set off balance.
4. I would recommend swimming to keep in shape.  Swimming does not affect the joints and it feels wonderful
5. Look into the possibility of a C-section as you may throw yourself into a position that can cause dislocation if you give birth without it.  I had one son via natural birth, and one with a C-section and I was much more comfortable with a C- section.
6. Enjoy your pregnancy!

Best wishes

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