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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > About Orthopedics > TIB FIB
9/21 14:22:44
Dr. Timothy K. Durnin - 10/11/2007

i am a expert here also in the tv repair section and have been for 7 years.
i was shot in the left leg i have a major tib break and is not growing. it has been three months. the doctor told me the other day to start walking on it putting pressure on the bone. he did not say full weight but wanted me on a cane and off the crutches in 6 weeks to see if this would stimulate the bone to grow. i just wanted your input on this.
thank you

Hi Allen,

That is a good start but there is much more that can be done. Have your ortho write a scipt for both an electrical bone stimulator and an ultrasound stimulator.

I also had a TIB/FIB Fx 6 years ago in 13 places and was told it would be amputated. I knew enough to know the doctor was mistaken and wrote myself an order for both the Exogen unit and the electrical unit. I wore a Halo for a year and it is perfect now. Get those ASAP, demand them if you have too, anything else would be considered negligence.

Obviously don't smoke either.:)

Take Care Allan and Good Luck!

Dr. Timothy Durnin

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