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Pain on left side of body after a sneeze
9/21 14:22:28
Joe A Shaw PA-C - 1/23/2008

QUESTION: After a sudden and somewhat intense sneeze, I felt a great muscular pain on left side of chest and under my arm on the left side of my body.  Did I tear a muscle?  Couldn't turn side to side around in bed and it hurts when I sneeze or cough.  What can I do?

Yes most likely you strained your intercostal rib muscles, the ones inbetween your ribs. If you are older >55 or so you could have cracked a rib. You can crack a rib at any age of course but from sneezing I've seen it happen in the older folks. Try some ice 3 x day x 3-4 days, then moist heat the same, Advil per label. If not better in 3-5 days you should get an xray.
Hope this helps
J.Shaw PA-C

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Just a quick follow-up question.  Am I re-injuring myself every time I sneeze or cough?  It sure feels like it. It is very painful. What can I do about it other than trying not to sneeze or cough.    Thank you again for your quick response.  Yours, Neil

Yes you are probably re-injuring it/re-straining it when you cough or sneeze. The fact is even if it is fractured there is not a whole lot to do different,other than RX pain pills etc..unless it is displaced or something, and you worry about lung puncture. But those type of things are seen in auto accidents or trauma. The ice regimen is the best thing,with advil or the like...."rib belts" or rib wraps during the day may give you some support(ie 8-10" wide elastic wrap/bandage) but these are usually only recommended for actual rib fractures. You may need to take an allergy pill like OTC Claritin to stop sneezing and something for your cough.

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