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9/21 14:22:00
Ms. Davis,I'm 51 yrs old and broke my left leg for the 4th time on 3/10. Recuperating isn't as easy as it used to be. I've also got a rod and screws in the femur. There's no reason the leg should have broke and specialist will be looking into possible causes. I'm looking for safe, but comfortable shoes, both dress and casual. Can you give any input? Thanks for your time.

Hi Ed

I think I've addressed your question before, but just in case the answer did not come through, here are my thoughts.

I don't think that the shoe you choose would make a big difference.  The only thing I think you should look for would be a shoe with a non skid sole, and a flat shoe.  Make sure you have enough room in the shoe for extended wear.  My meaning is this....As the day goes on, your feet swell, and you want to make sure the shoe has enough room to accommodate for that normal daily swelling.


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