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Hip pains
9/21 14:21:46
I'm only 14 and i ran in a cross country race yesterday. During the finish i felt a painful pull in my hip and now i have some discomfort when walking. I have read up some but i believe it may be something with the growth plate. how do i know? We are leaving for vacation tomorrow and i don't have time to see a doctor. What do i do? I don't want to get behind on my training if i don't have to.

Dear Mara

If you have not already spoken to your parents about your concerns, I urge you to do so.

Injury to a growth plate occurs when a bone is involved.  In your case, I think you may have done injury to soft tissue such as muscle or tendon or ligaments.

If you don't have time to have your parents take you to a doctor, my advice would be to stop exercising, use heat and ice while you are on vacation and do overdo things.

If you are still in pain when you return, have your parents take you to the doctor.  

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