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appointment with new orthopedic surgeon
9/21 14:23:09
I had a knee scope with a lateral release in my left knee almost 2 years ago.  Since then, the pain has steadily gotten worse, and I am now at a point where I can barely get up/down stairs etc.
Due to a new insurance provider (my previous surgeon is not accepting my new insurance) I now have to find a new doctor.  I have an initial appointment with an orthopedic surgeon in a couple of weeks, and I was wondering if there are certain questions I should ask and what to look for in a good orthopedic surgeon.

Hi jackie

The first thing you should do is ask your doctor for a referral.  This happens frequently where an insurance company drops a doctor and most good doctors will refer out.

Other questions you might ask are:

1. Ask the new doctor for a way to speak to some of his patients.  Many times a doctor's office will give your telephone number to a patient with the same problem as you so you can ask them their experiences with the doctor.

2. Find out what hosptials your new doctor is affilaite with.  If it's a teaching hospital, more likely than not, the doctor is good.

3. If he recommends a proceudre, find out how many times he has done the same procedure and how successful the surgeries were.

4. Ask your primary doctor for a referral as well.  This way you are not just picking names out of a phone book

5. Ask your insurance company how many consults they will pay for.  If they pay for more than one, you can interview several doctors.

Best of luck to you.

Sharon Davis

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