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Femur Bone Bruise?
9/21 14:21:03
Richard Haynes PTA/CPT - 10/19/2008

Female,40: While trail riding on my dirtbike yesturday I took a bad spill which threw me into rock w/bike landing on top my left leg.  The large black&blue & pain are located about 6" down fr hip on mid-femur (more toward front/top thigh area).  It seems like it may be more than muscular because it aches terribly even when I'm not moving.  I can put some weight on it, however at certain positions it almost brings me to tears.  If it is a bone bruise, what will help it heal quickest?  How would I know the difference betwn muscle or bone injury?  Much gratitude for your insite.

Jayne,  If you haven't done it yet please ice it down for 30 minutes and elevate the leg. This can be done several times a day.

It takes a lot to break the femur, sounds like it may just what you described a deep tissue bruise.Putting weight on the leg will be difficult at times as the quadriceps/thigh muscles will contract with each step causing the pain.

If there are any questions Have it checked out as soon as you can at the local ER for an x-ray. If the femur was broken you would not be able to place weight on your leg.
There is always a large amount of blood loss when you damage that area in the tissue itself. This again will depend on the severity of the trauma. There may be a hematoma in the muscle which is a large collection of blood inside the muscle itself.

Nothing can be done about a bone bruise or muscle contusion other then ice and use a cane or crutches to take some pressure off the area to help speed the healing.

With a fracture again in that area or any weight bearing bone you will have severe pain with each step and the pain will not get any better from day to day. With a muscle you should begin to see improvement. If you noticed continual swelling in the area get to the local ER as soon as you can.

Just for your info, I have had a femur fracture in the past and I can tell you you will know without a doubt that it broken and before that injury happened I had never broken a bone, But I knew right away something was terribly wrong.

BUT if any doubt please have it looked at as soon s you can.

Richard Haynes
Punta Gorda, Fl

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