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4 yr old wont walk after fracture
9/21 14:15:51
Richard Haynes PTA/CPT - 5/24/2009

Hello Mr. Hayes,

My 4 yr old daughter fractured her tibia (spiral shaft fracture mid/distal tibia) and also small avulsion fracture of the medial malleolus (slide incident at the park!) It has been almost eight weeks. she had a long leg cast for 3 weeks, half cast for another 3 weeks. Her ped and the PA at the orthopedic office (who has been handling her care) both said she would be walking within weeks of the fracture, that most kids cannot be slowed down. My daughter refuses to walk, and has not since the day she fractured her leg. Is this normal? when I ask the ortho PA she seems surprised, then basically chalks it up to psychological reasons (fear). they put her in a CAM boot and she won't wear it, and refuses to walk or bear weight. it becomes a screaming battle if we push it. we are getting a bit frustated carrying her around everywhere, and her baby sister too! Should I push for PT, or just wait it out a bit?



If the doctor has allowed her to walk now, I would push for the PT.

Try and get a PT that works with children, they are out there and have experience in these types of cases.
With help from a PT in this case they will have the tools and experience to get your child starting to walk again along with, exercise that will help strengthen the area.

She would more then likely improve with help from an outside source.

Richard Haynes
Punta Gorda,Florida.

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