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tilted pelvis
9/21 14:24:03
At a recent hospital visit I discovered that I have a tilted pelvis.  I am a ski instructor and suffer with knee problems (patella femoral syndrome - where the kneecap is pulled to the outside due to overdeveloped quads and underdeveloped inide leg muscles).  This is a big problem as I am in pain and sometimes cannot ski.  I have done physio which helps but am wondering if the tilted pelvis is related to this and if so, would it be possible to get it corrected by a chiropractor?

Dear Teresa

I wish I could help you, but I don't visit chiropractors, nor do I know enough about what they do to answer your questions.  The one thing you should do, is just make sure the chiropractor you go to is good and I would visit a few of them before committing.

Good luck

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