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twisted ankle
9/21 14:20:53
Richard Haynes PTA/CPT - 11/5/2008

I twisted my ankle about a week ago.  Even though I heard and felt popping, I had no real pain at the time (aside from the initial twist) and just continued on with my plans.  That evening and ever since my ankle has been swollen and I have bruising above my ankle and on my foot.  I'm able to walk without any pain and starting to get some range of motion back but it is still pretty tender.  I'm using ice and tylenol but I didn't know if I should be doing anything else.

Kim,  The good sign is you can put your weight on it and walk. The ankle is a delicate area in that if you injure it can takes weeks to heal right.
The ice and tylenol is good. The bruising is natural and it will clear up in its own time. watch if you walk on uneven surfaces as you can easily twist the ankle again. it will take several weeks to heal completely.

If your ankle continues to act up if you walk long distances a cane comes in handy. just place the cane on your STRONG side not the side you twisted your ankle on.

If you continue to have problems as well or the ankle feels weak or unsteady you can go to a drug store and buy a elastic type of brace for it that will surround the ankle for support. That  is if you feel its needed only.

let me know if i can be of any further assistance.

Richard Haynes
Punta Gorda,Florida.

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