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knee replacement problem
9/21 14:16:04
Richard Haynes PTA/CPT - 4/2/2009

how normal is it to have the non replacement leg be shorter - 5/8" - than the leg which received the new knee?? it affects the hip that was replaced 10 years ago and now the patient walks with a sever limp


Its not common to see such a discrepancy after a knee replacement.
If you do see a leg length discrepancy you would see it after a hip replacement. However I am sure there are cases where this has taken place no doubt due to other factors.

The surgeons will work to match leg lengths during the surgery to avoid such trouble later on.

Surgeons will recommend some sort of lift for the opposite side to even up the patients gait and to get the pelvis realigned to prevent back problems.

I have come under the conclusion from what I observe in my area of the country that any discrepancy 1/2 inch or over should have a lift or other type of orthotic.

The patient should either go and consult further with the surgeon or good to an qualified location and get fitted for an orthotic. The surgeon may need to write prescription to have it covered under insurance.

Richard Haynes
Punta Gorda, Florida.

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