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Heel pain after total knee replacement
9/21 14:15:43
Richard Haynes PTA/CPT - 6/13/2009

I had a total knee replacement almost 6 months ago, but ever since, I have heel pain so bad I can't stand it.  Dr. thinks it is plantar fasitis and I go to therapy for deep tissue massage and ultrasound.  I have had cortisone shots in my heels.  NOTHING HELPS and I feel like my life is ruined.  I don't know what to do or what is wrong.  If anyone out there can help me, I would be eternally grateful.


If its true plantar fascitis it will be the most painful upon wakening in the morning. The first few steps are painful then it slowly subsides.

If you are getting PT for it they should be including exercises for you to do at home that will help speed recovery and , promote healing.

There are times when you get a new prosthesis or joint replacement that your gait or walking mechanics change somewhat and cause new stress in other parts of your lower extremities.

If the PT is not working and you have possibly looked into a heel support of some kind like a gel cushion that fits right into the shoe then, I would go have someone else look at the foot.
have an orthopedic that specializes with feet to look at it and get their opinion.

Richard Haynes
Punta Gorda, Florida.

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