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jammed fingers
9/21 14:23:51
Adam Rufa - 4/3/2006

Hi Adam,
I'm a high school basketball player.  During the season I have "jammed" my fingers (ball hit head on with finger, causing bruising + swelling) countless times.  After the first time I jammed my fingers, it seemed like those fingers were jamming up again more easily and would cause some pain.  
I'd like your opinion on this matter.  I believe the first hit to my fingers weakened my joints, and now it's taking less damage to bruise the surrounding area.  Would you say the same?

Thanks for your time.

When a finger gets jammed several structures can get damaged. The capsule around the joint, surrounding ligaments, the plate of cartilage under the joint, and the bone can get bruised or the joint cartilage can be damaged. After an injury it can take up to a year for soft tissue to heal fully. Even after a year the tissue may never return to its pre-injury strength. A jamming injury can also cause instability at the joint. This means the structures that hold the joint in place are to loose and the joint may not be as stable.
   Long story short, I agree with you.
  If you continue to have reoccurring injury you should talk with your doctor.     

Good luck and I hope your Bball season went well.


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