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Foot Injury - Need to see a doctor?
9/21 14:22:41
Dr. Timothy K. Durnin - 11/1/2007

About 36 hours ago I accidentally dropped an extension ladder on my foot.  Pain was immediate, but I have not had any problems putting weight on the foot.  It has yet to swell or have a bruise appear, however pressure in the middle of the first metatarsal causes strong pain.  It is very localized, and I have no problems with pressure on any of the other metatarsals.  Flexing my big toe does not cause pain, but extension causes some pain around the joint of the toe.

I am leaving for a trip that will include a lot of walking in a week, and am wondering if this is something I should have checked out by a doctor in person, or if I will be ok to let it heal on its own.

Sorry I couldn't answer sooner, but I was at the office longer than usual, it sounds like you just bruised the bone. If it was a hair line type fracture, it would swell and bruise. Ice it down as much as possible, it will hurt the most 72 hrs after the impact so expect that, then it will lessen. If for some odd reason it becomes a chronic issue, get it x-rayed, otherwise, enjoy your trip and forget about it!

Good Luck!

Dr. Timothy Durnin

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