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a 7 year neck problem
9/23 17:35:16

dear doctor

i used to work as a till operator for a large retail store 7 years ago
.i developed a problem with my neck whereby i can no longer control one or more of my neck muscles.
by virtue of fact that it became difficult for me to turn my head and look to the right-side.
i get a powerful muscle spasm over give or take 20 -30min
thats sways my entire head to look to the left-side.
ive been to several local doctors and have been taken x-rays indicating there's nothing wrong with my bones.
as for prescriptions been given oral and injections of diclofemac co aided by some tripizide( i think thats what they call it)to this day i can no longer walk straight look straight into my plate cause my head is now always leaning to the left side 80% of the time.
randomly i get very very very painful spasms .and if i turn my head in a circular notion the first two cycles produce a click like sound rite behind the neck.
my life is really tasking at times.
added to a fact i stay in zimbabwe were the cost of proffesional help reallly comes at a cost literally
please advice if there are any physicall exercises i may try to reconstruct my neck .
am i now paralysed ?
thank you for yo time and patience

Hi Jahny,

There are exercises that you can do to help with your Spasmodic torticollis. Most of them are a combination of stretching the spasmed neck muscles, strengthening the weakened neck muscles and aerobic exercise. You would need to see a physical therapist who can provide exercises specifically for you.

This link contains examples of the sorts of exercises that your therapist might recommend:

Lightly massaging your neck might also be helpful with neck spasms.

I hope this helps!

Dr. Liza

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