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ct scan
9/23 17:34:51

comminuted vertical sacral fracture withone of the lines extending to the si joint articular surface.fractures in both pubic bodiesas well as the left inferior pubic ramus. no traumatic disc herniation, but at L4-L5 there is small broad based disc bulge resulting in canal stenosis.What does all this mean,and is the disc bulge part of the lateral compression injury I suffered??What can I expect to go through in the future from these injuries???

The disc bulge is most likely related to the compression injury you suffered. To summarize your findings, you have several fractures in your pelvis and a disc bulge that is slightly compressing your spinal cord. Some people have fractures that heal completely and do not suffer any ongoing pain. In many cases, the fractures do not heal perfectly resulting in ongoing joint and muscle pain and an increased likelihood of arthritis in  the surrounding joints. A good exercise program and monthly visits with you health care provider can be very beneficial in helping prevent chronic pain.

I hope this helps!

Dr. Liza

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