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Headaches and dizziness
9/23 17:35:17

I am having a really rough time trying to identify what the cause of my
symptoms are and really hope you might have some ideas. My symptoms are
constant headache which varies in intensity (doing anything studious or
academic increase my discomfort), lightheadedness/dizziness (even going for
a walk is very difficult as I feel very lightheaded and dizzy), my eyes are
constantly sore/tired and ache (had 3 eye tests over the last 2 years and eye
sight is nearly 100). I always have some kind of visual disturbances,
sometimes spots or just fuzzy, and sometime it just seem "broken". I can't
stand looking at black and white (so any text really) and patterns like paving
stones seem to throw my brain into a frenzy! Also I don't tolerate bright light
very well. Doing any exercise increases the dizziness and headache profusely
and have to steady myself to stop me falling over. My memory is awful and to
be honest it feels as though it "hurts" my brain to use it! When I was well
enough to exercise it took me about 2 days to get my energy back as I felt
like a zombie despite being very active and fit, exercising about 3 times a
week with dancing, cycling, swimming and gym work. My condition has most
definitely deteriorated over the last 10 years and culminated last year in my
loosing my job. I am currently only able to work part time hours and worry
that if I cannot identify the problem soon, I may loose the ability to work at
all.  I was diagnosed with a PFO a few months back and had the operation to
close it in November. Unfortunately I feel this was a red herring as there is no
change. Although my symptoms are "migraineous" they are not typical. My
headache is not restricted to one side of my head, it generally affects the
entire front of the head, particularly behind the eyes and manifests itself like
an intense heaviness with  shooting pains occasionally above my eyes.
Sometimes I feel as though something is trying to bore out from the back of
my eyes through my nose and sometimes my entire head feels as though it's
in a vice or under pressure.  It is also a constant. I have had all the scans and
angiograms going, including neck and brain and all show everything as being
ok. I also had vestibular tests done and everything was normal with the
exception of a comment from the technician/doctor which nobody will even
enterain as they (doctor and neurologist) both say that those tests cannot
identify his theory; he told me that there is a problem with blood flow
through my neck (right side).  I have no medical training but from a lay mans
perspective would my symptoms not correlate to that theory?? I do wonder if
it may also tie in with my accident that I had 20 years ago where I went over
the handlebars of my bike at full pelt, landing on my head and right shoulder
knocking myself out with a very large mickey mouse bump over my right eye?   
I have had a great deal of problems over the last 10 years with my neck and
right arm. The neck shows a bulging disc in between C5 and C6 but with no
nerve compromise. That said about every 6 months i get what I call a
"trapped" nerve where I simply turn my head and and will suffer a sudden
searing pain as though someone has stuck a sword through my neck and out
through my right shoulder blade. A week of anti-inflammatories and
sometimes neck traction calms it down, but there is always a constant degree
of muscle spasm around the neck and shoulder area so could this be enough
to impede the blood flow through the neck to cause my problems? Last year I
was referred to an Oesteo who confirmed the muscle spasm and said that the
top of my throacic spine was immobile and continued to manipulate it to try
an free it up. Unfortunately after 2 mths of treatment I was left with a burning
pain emminating from the precise area he was maniuplating preventing me
from sitting or standing for more that 30 mins without needing to lie down.
After 8 very long months the back pain dissappeared and after 6 mths of no
back problems I tried to do a bit of yoga and pilates and this seems to have
stirred the back pain up and now I am really suffering again. What is
interesting is that the muscle spasm is really bad now and I can really feel the
solidness in the top of my back and shoulder and strangely my headache,
lightheadedness and sore eyes feel much worse, as though it is all related? I
have tried to remember how I felt after I first had my accident but being in my
early twenties I didn't really take much notice as I just wanted to have fun but
what I do remember is always going to the doctors to say how tired I always
felt. I remember having several blood tests but because they came back
negative, I would convince myself that nothing was wrong - despite never
feeling very well! The only pattern that I can identify is that I can feel really
bright and well first thing in the morning, but after I have been up and about
for about 20/30 mins my "hangover" head materialises and I start to feel
incredibly tired and lightheaded.  I'm sorry for the rather long query but I do
hope you have some ideas since all the doctors and consultants I have seen
over the years have not be able to give me any leads at all and as you can
imagine, I am desperate to get some quality of life back.

Due to the nature of your head and neck injury before the onset of your horrible symptoms, it is very likely that you are a candidate for our Upper Cervical Specific Care.  Have you had any MRI's or X-rays taken of your Head/Neck in the past year?
If so, I would like to look at them, you can send them to me at [email protected]  I would then be in a much better position to tell you if I can indeed help you or at least who to send you to for help.  Fair Enough?
Yours in Best Health,
Dr Arnone
St Louis, MO

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