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injured loose toenail
9/21 15:02:43


I hit my pinky toenail into my baby's exersaucer a couple times.  The toenail got very bloody and loose. Then, of course, I banged it again and it started to bleed again. Right now it's still connected, about how much, I don't know. I am sure it will probably fall off sooner if not later based on the internet research I did. I put a bandage on it, and neosporin but last night I just kept a sock on it because it seemed to uncomfortable with the bandage and the sock.  

I read so much various advice when I did a search, I really don't know what to do. I read to not to pick anything up heavy and to not wear shoes but I have a very young child that's about 24 lbs that I need to pick up to take upstairs several times a day and I also need to take him to the doctor's tomorrow and this week is going to be an active week so I do need to wear shoes. The doctor's office I need to go to but every other place, not so much.

Do you have any advice on how to protect my toenail from further damage or what to expect. What should I do or not do or maybe there is nothing to do?  It definitely hurt when it hit those few times.

And is there any vitamins or anything I should take to help new growth?

I think if I was younger this would really bother me, but I have been through so much in my life, this is nothing in comparison, lol

Thank you!  

Hi Kelly,

Just clean the toenail area very well with soap and water.  Apply a cream such as neosporin or triplr antibiotic.  Apply a bandaid.  Wear shoes that don't cause pain.  If the area worsens and becomes red and swollen with thick yellow drainage or red streaks on your foot, see a podiatrist.


Marc Katz DPM
Advanced Podiatry

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