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severe back pain
9/26 9:47:56

For the last two months or so , i feel as if my spine is going to snap if i bend wrong, i can barely get around anymore because it hurts. it started out that i could lay down on my back or side and it would feel better, but now not as much. I definitely know the pain is in my bones, not muscle, and the lower part of my spine where it starts to curve in, seems like it is curved in too much now, so i am assuming it is dislocated or hernia or something, but it also  shoots pain in to my abdomen like a menstrual cramp, and other time it feels like its in my kidneys, does this sound like anything worse than what i think, like cancer or osteoporosis or something, cause i would much rather have a dislocation:), oh and it hurts my back when i caugh as well.

Dear Jennifer,  

Please see a doctor, preferably a neurologist. I don't like what your describing, it must be very difficult for you to function with so much pain. I am not a doctor and what your dealing with really should be examined. I will keep good thoughts that you are able to find some help with this.


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