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spinal cord injury in T4 vertebrae
9/26 9:47:43

QUESTION: Hello, god bless you for answer:
i have a friend, she had a car accident and a metal of the car get into her back breaking the T4 vertebrae causing a lot of damage in the nerves all around the hips and legs. in consequence she can not walk, but she still having the reflexes. so i want to now if she have some hope that walk again some day, and if you know any exercise of therapy that she can have to helper. advanced thanks.

ANSWER: Dear Lenia,  

Allot depends on the severity of your friends injury. If she is consider incomplete she has a possibility of regaining some of her mobility, but each injury is so unique. As for therapy, allot depends on what she has to work with. When you say she has reflexes, what are you referring to? Can she move her legs? If she can she could do allot of different exercises. I would recommend she finds a physical therapist who will be able to tell her what exercises would be best for her specific injury. I hope this helps and I'll keep good thoughts for your friend.

Sincerely, Ken

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks for answer me Ken:
she can move the toes of the right leg, even when that size of her body was the most damage(i could not understand that) in the left leg she don't have any movement, just the reflexes: like move the leg when you hit the bottom of the knee, and if she is having a massage on the muscles, the leg can contract it self, we guess is because of the reflexes, but we are not sure. Doctors says that she damage the nerves and those are really hard to heal. She is having actually somebody working with her since the accident, two years ago. Performing exercises and massages in both legs. last question: do you think if she start receiving a Chinese technic which work directly with nerves spots, these, the nerves, can heal faster? Thanks allot for your time to answer, God bless you.

Dear Lenia,  

The spinal cord level and nerves damaged are what effect the return. I know it can be confusing. The following website has a bunch of really good information;
As for the Chinese technique on nerves, as long as it doesn't have a possibility of causing more damage I would try it. I can't say one way or another on whether it can help, but I tried everything after my injury. And still do, an example being when my back was in severe pain I could not find anything that would help until someone recommended acupuncture. And after three treatments the pain was gone. So be open to anything as long as it is relatively safe. I will keep good thoughts for both of you.

Sincerely, Ken

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