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head question again
9/26 9:29:33

QUESTION: what type of pain would a brain aneurism would present. because the type of pain i'm having is very localized to that one specific area in the back of my head (go up 2 inches from the top of the right ear and then back about 2 inches) in that very same spot, and it's an intermittent pain, and when its there it usually lasts for along time like a pressure, with occasional quick sharp stabbing pains. also it sometimes hurts into my right ear. also today i noticed that in that spot i was feeling and i can feel a slight knot/lump right there, and i sometimes get ear ringing.

ANSWER: Hi Michael

Most aneurysms don't present with any symptoms until the burst, and then of course, the symptoms are rapid and severe.

When there are symptoms,they can include an enlarged pupil in one eye, a drooping eyelid, or pain above or behind the eye. Other symptoms include a headache in one specific part of the head, difficulty in walking, double vision, or numbness in the face.

So with an aneurysm there would usually be some other type of neurological symptom in addition to the headache, since the aneurysm would be pressing on brain tissue.

If you are having any of these types of symptoms, then that would be an emergency situation.

If you can feel a lump or knot in that spot, that suggests something related to the muscles and nerves of the upper neck and scalp.

The ear ringing is something of a concern.

Have you seen a doctor recently, and if so, what did they say?



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: yes sir, i've been to the er dept. many of times with this headache because it has been going on a lil over a month and they did a ct scan without the dye on my head, about 4 days ago but havent heard anything back, they said if there was something wrong they would call.  i'm just really concerned about an anuerysm, it wouldnt present a lump or knot on the surface of the head??????

Hi Michael,

If it were an aneurysm, it would be inside the skull, and you would not be able to feel anything on the surface of the head. That's what makes me think it is most likely related to tension in the muscles of the scalp.

I always prefer for the doctor's office to get back with you and let you know what the results were, whether there's something wrong or not. Give them a call the middle of next week and see if they've received a report yet.


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