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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Pain Management > Acute Sciatica
Acute Sciatica
9/26 9:30:02

QUESTION: I have been suffering from original self diagnosed sciatica, which i was treating with 2 x co-codamol 30/500 x 4 times a day and ibruprofen.  The doctor prescribed paracetamol and 3 x 50mg diclofenac daily.  I was then hospitalized and put on 1.5ml morphine x 3 daily, 50mg tramadol x 4 daily, 2 x 500mg paracetamol x 4 daily and an anti sickness tablet 1 daily and 5mg diazepam x 4 daily.  still in acute pain and in the 7th week, my doctor has now put me on Durogesic DTrans 50mcg/hr patch (each lasts 3 days) and told me if it doesnt help take the following in the following order:- 2 x 500mg paracetamol,1 x 50mg diclofenac x 3 daily and 2mg diazepam x 4 times daily.  I have read that you should not take tranquilizers with fentanyl (durogesic) and I am concerned as to what drugs I should take and when, im also using a tens machine and heat pack. I have the symptoms of Acute sciatica, but heard a doctor mention prolapse disc, but have had not xrays, CAT scans or MRI scans.
ANSWER: Hi Marie,
I would definitely recommend you have an MRI scan. I was told that I had Sciatica in the beginning and it turned out that I had a disc ruptured in 5 places.
I am concerned about the drugs that you are being given without the doctor doing any kind of Xray or MRI scan.
You need to find a doctor that is going to at least try and find out what the problem is so that the cause may be fixed instead of just putting a drug band aid on the symptoms.
Try going to a pain management specialist. Keep looking until you find a doctor willing to try to find out the cause of your pain. It may end up that even after a doctor finds the cause you will still need to be on the pain medicine anyway but you are missing the chance that the problem can be fixed and that you will be able to live your life pain free without all the drugs.
I hope this helps. If you have any questions or need additional information please don't hesitate to ask.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I went to see an orthopaedic consultant physiotherapist who did several things checkin me over and sent me for 3 xrays.  From the xrays they think i have degeneration of the spine, and two slipped discs L5/L4 and L5/S1. I was also told I have bone spurs at these places, but to wait another 8 weeks to see if the symptoms persist or get worse, then they will put me on the waiting list (4 months) for a MRI scan. We could be talking October!

Hi Marie,
Even if you live in a small town then there should be several places and even a few hospitals that have MRI machines. If there is not then the closest large city will have a lot of them. Go see someone that can get things done sooner.
Let me know how this goes for you.
Good Luck and don't give up till you get what you need.

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