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pain in thigh
9/26 9:29:03

   First, let me start out saying I am a 21 y/o female with no health problems except endometriosis.  I believe I can handle pain very well, but last night I awoke with severe pain in my left thigh.  It felt like a charley horse but was constant.  Nothing helped it massage, warm water and moving it or walking on it made the burning feeling worse.  I thought it was never going to go away.  After 2 hours and alot of tears I fell asleep and woke up 1 hour later.  This time I felt ok.  My right and left thigh had a tingling sensation like the were falling asleep.  It wasn't really painful just annoying.  I tried walking and that horrible pain returned as soon as I tried to bear weight.  This time it was in both legs and dropped me to the floor.  I immeadiately got back into bed and after one hour it became the tingling sensation again, like pins and needles.  It is completely miserable not being able to get out of bed.  What's going on?  By the way I have no recent changes in my life nothing new and no injuries. One thing probably unrelated two nights ago at about 8 at night my neck started hurting, like I slept on it wrong. It lasted 30 minutes and went away.

Thank you,


Your description sounds like the effect of spinal muscles in contraction, possibly with disc problems, causing nerve impingements (entrapment).

Get it checked out by a doctor, sooner rather than later.

If the discs are intact, you're in luck and the problem can most probably be resolved (quickly) by means of brain-muscle training.

You may read an article of mine about mysterious pains at

with regard,
Lawrence Gold

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