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Type of chiropractic test
9/26 8:59:34

What is the O'Donnohue test?  I am a court reporter working on a criminal trial involving a chiropractor and a pain management doctor and one of the witnesses mentioned the O'Donnohue test.  I am not sure if I am spelling "O'Donnohue" correctly or if that is even exactly what was said.  Can you help me?  Any insight you may have would be greatly appreciated?  Thanks a million!


This is from the text book: Illustrated Essentials in Orthopedic Physical Assessment, by Ronald C. Evans, D.C., F.A.C.O., F.I.C.C., 1994;  "O'Donoghue Maneuver: Procedure - While the patient is sitting, the cervical spine is actively moved throught restisted range of motion then through passive range of motion.  Pain during resisted range of motion, or isometric contraction, signifies muscle strain.  Pain during passive range of motion signifies ligamentous sprain."  

Please keep in mind that there is likely some overlap between sprain and strain with regard to pain production, though it is generally accepted that pain caused by passive movement of a joint indicates sprain, and pain caused by muscular contraction indicates strain.

'Hope this helps...

Dr. G

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