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Lower back pain...
9/26 8:55:39

Well I hope that you can help me with my problem! I have a lower back pain, I believe in the lumber part of my back. When I look at my spine it seems to bend in more than is appropriate almost anough to lay a hand flat in. When I lay down and relax it always hurts. It also hurts when I bend my back to straight and sometimes when I bend back or forwards to far. I went to my father's friend chiropractor and all she did was give me a quick going over but still if there was something really amiss I think she would have noticed. I am now sixteen and I think it started when I was fourteen.

Hi Cassandra,

I'm sorry that you are already having this problem at 16.  The sooner you get after it the better.

There is a certain amount of curvature in the lower back that is normal when you are upright.  More so standing that sitting.

When you lie down it should flatten and rest.

Wearing heels and weak abdominal muscles are the most common cause of trouble here.  So...

-get rid of any heels
-start some crunches
-do some stretching (reaching to the toes while sitting)

A full evaluation from a chiropractic doctor would be next.  Either now or if you don't feel better in a few days.

Hope this helps a bit.

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