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9/26 8:56:39

Hi again. I started to play lacrosse again. I know you use your wrist. But is there anyway to damage your wrist while playing lacrosse? Because you rotate it back and forth?

Hi Jase,

Yes, you can damage any joint doing just about anything. That risk goes up dramatically with doing the same thing over and over again to the same spot. Doctors call this repetitive micro-traumatic disorder. I know you don't like a bunch of big words so I'll try to keep them to a minimum. Carpal tunnel syndrome is very common with cashiers, hairdressers and typists because they repeat the same movement again and again. Lacrosse is more diverse and doesn't tax the wrist like other activities. The risk of blunt trauma is higher but that goes with most sports. The first sign of numbness or tingling should be looked at by a doctor, otherwise don't worry about hurting your wrist. A good rule to follow is using ice on anything that hurts, this speeds healing and slows inflammation. All professional athletes get iced down after a game for this reason.

Good Luck Jase and have fun!

Dr. Timothy Durnin

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