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Bulge on the back of my neck
9/26 8:47:05

Years ago I had a Chiropractor tell me that my neck was completely straight, that it was probably an injury during my birth. Many years later I have lived with pain in my neck for as long as I can remember. I have a huge bulge that leans more to the right side of my head. I can't turn my head to the left without becoming dizzy, or look up for long periods of time without feeling like I am going to pass out.I have headaches that are generally on the right side of my head, and a lot of the time when I move my head I have the sensation of feel as if I have little air bubbles rushing from the back of my head and I know that sounds crazy but I can feel them and hear them inside my head. My turning radius is limited and is getting worse with age..Is there something that can be done treatment wise to help reduce the pain?


Please realize that you are describing a very serious condition that needs immediate attention and I suggest you start asking your friends and family if they know of an excellent Chiropractor in your area. I also want you to know that the following answer will not solve your problem and neither will hoping it will just go away and I agree with your opinion that it will get worse with time.

I cannot begin to tell you what your huge bump is w/o an examination. However the loss of the curve in your neck in all likely hood is causing a stretch of your spinal cord witch in turn is causing mis firing of that portion of your spinal cord which controls a plethera of nerve information going to and from your brain to the central nervous system. It would behoove you to understand that portion is called the brain stem and it controls your breathing nerve pathways. Consistent pressure in this area has been documented to cause disease other than just pain in your neck.

From your discussion it is apparent that you are having spinal dysfunction at the occiput and C1/C2 area of your spine. The double jeopardy that is present is that you have a documented "military" neck as you describe as a loss of the curve in your neck.

I also don't think that anything you have said sounds "crazy". The sounds you here and most likely hear by both sound and bone conduction is indicative of the vertebrae in your neck being out of whack or what Chiropractors describe as a SUBLUXATION and will not go away until attended to.

You must also realize that what has happened to your neck is not an event but a process. In other words it took time to get this way and it will take time to correct. You cannot expect to visit a Chiropractor or for that matter any type of health care provider and expect this to go away with one or two visits.It is more than likely that all of or most of the symptoms you described are directly related to Subluxation in your neck

There are several sites including this one to find a chiropractor some other sites are,,

Please find a competent health care provider of your choice and get this problem handled.

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