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Dizziness... Neck?
9/26 8:56:08

QUESTION: Hi there..
I have had a recurring problem for the last 12 or so years...and lately it has gotten worse...

I am suffering from dizziness/vertigo that is really bad when in supine position..or laying on my side... both sides are as bad as each other... I started going to a chiro back in 1995 and the problem seemed to be under control with visits every time the symptoms flared up... sometimes this would be once a year or even longer... Lately though i have been getting more acute attacks of dizziness/vertigo and am getting worried.. i went to an ENT and had an MRI and hearing tests all of which were normal...

I do feel as if the dizziness is triggered by bad posture or  head position... (laying the wrong way etc).. but my GP says it must be my ears and to stop going to chiro cause of the stroke risks...

Should i stop chiro or can you recommend any other course of action...?

I have had 3 large car accidents in my life only one was rear end.. and i didn't present with any symptoms after any of them... I am 31 years old..

Thanks alot for the help..


It sounds like you have BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo).   Look this up on webmd or google it.  In the absense of any inner ear diseases (e.g. tumors), BPPV sounds likely.  If so, you need to see a vestibular specialist that can put you through different head position exercises (Epply's and Semont this too).  If BPPV has been ruled out by the ENT, then the chiropractor must perform a "cervical vertigo test" where you sit on a stool, head held steady by the doctor's hands, and then you spin your body back and forth on the stool.   This twists your neck back and forth while your head (and inner ears) stay put and don't move.   If this makes you dizzy, then the problem is not coming from your ears.  

Tell your GP not to discuss chiropractic and stroke risks until he or she has read viable (not junk) clinical literature on it.  

'Hope this helps.

Dr. G

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks DrG...

Is BPPV something that will come and go...and will not always be only on one side... I am spinning equally when i lay on both sides... only for about 20-30 sec before it settles down... but laying supine is worse... and so is sitting back up....


Yes, BPPV is a condition that will come and go.  Your symptoms are typical: dizzy, hold still for several seconds while it settles down...    There are physical therapists that specialize in vestibular problems.  Often, BPPV is cured in a few treatment sessions unless there are complications.  The vestibular specialist can explain all this to you.   I still don't know why the ENT doc, your PCP, and the DC didn't discuss this with you.  Nevertheless, good luck with this.

Dr. G

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