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Cracking or popping sound and feel from joints
9/26 8:52:50

Dear Paul

For years there often have been a cracking or popping sound from my joints when I move, especially from the hips and knees.  Recently, the occurence has increased noticeably, sometimes with multiply pops, and from other areas such as the back and shoulders.

I have read on the web and been told by my physiotherapists that the sound comes from air escaping from crevices in the joints.  However, why so often?  And what causes the crevices?  Are materials around the joints or the joints themselves being worn down so creating the crevices and allowing air to get in?

As background information, I am a 45 year old female, and have been suffering from back problems for over 15 years such as degenerative disc disease, scralization at L5 and S1, and have had bulging disc problems a couple of times in the past.  My mother suffers from osteoarthritis.

What can I do about it this condition?  Currently I am taking omega 3, glucosamine, and calcium as supplements.  And I also exercise regularly but not strenuously.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

"Noise" from the joints is essentially as described to you but not 100exactly as described!!!  In the joints there is fluid.  In this fluid is Nitrogen gas that is dissolved.  When the pressure of the joint is changed rapidly (by a movement), then this gas comes out of solution, and makes a "pop" sound.  Usually it is harmless.  If you are having an increase, something may be "out of whack" mechanically, changing the normal movement to something that will cause the cracking noise.  I would have an evaluation by a good chiropractor for treatment and a good rehab. program.

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