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ear ringing after chiropractic visit
9/26 8:53:57

I have had a tight muscle between my shoulder blade and spine for 2 weeks.  I went to my regular chiropractor just yesterday.  My muscle is much, much better!  But now I have this ringing in my ears that just won't stop.  I am a little concerned that my neck manipulation was too aggressive.  Or was it just because I waited so long to be seen?  What do you think?

Hello Theresa,

Sorry to hear of your ear ringing.

You went to your 'regular chiropractor', so I guess you go regularly to this Doctor.  Was the adjustment any different from adjustments in the past?  Are you sure this treatment caused this symptom?

To comfort you about your complaint, it is probably transitory.  Over time the ringing should diminish.  One of the sick jokes in chiropractic school is that ".... Chiropractors sometimes make mistakes, some of our patients get sore and complain to everyone;  Medical Doctors bury their mistakes and no one is left to complain ...".

Have you been taking a lot of medication for the pain- some medications cause tinnitus (ear ringing)?

Chiropractic works neurologically.  The adjustment affects nerves, and ultimately the brain.  Perhaps your treatment did make you 'sore', and in this instance I actually mean- exceeded your metabolic capacity- gave too much stimulation to your Central Nervous System (CNS).  Did you get adjusted Bilaterally?, meaning did you get adjusted on both sides, and where multiple places adjusted?  This could be more then your body and CNS was ready for.  For a more detailed explanation visit  for a neurologic chiropractic treatment approach and explanation.  

Certainly, the next time you visit your regular Doctor of Chiropractic, let him/ her know of this.  Perhaps adjusting unilaterally, or a different technique could be used.  I do think your symptom is temporary, and it would also probably respond to another adjustment- perhaps with a different technique. In Staten Island chiropractic has DC's who practice from a neurological perspective, a nutritional perspective, and/or from an orthopedic type of perspective.

I hope this discussion helps.  As always, this article is for information, education and discussion purposes only.  Proper evaluation, DX, TX, RX, PX can only be given by a treating health professional.

Wishing you Good Health, Naturally!

Victor Dolan, DC  

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