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back pain after golfing
9/26 9:01:22


About 2 1/2 weeks ago I was golfing and I must have threw my back during a drive on the 1st tee, as the day progressed it became too painful to continue to play so I quit. It got worse through the day and the pain seemed to orginate from right underneath my left shoulder blade next to the spine. It was painful to talk as it felt like the pain was going straigth through my body to my chest making a weird sensation there. The next day I could barely move so I took some ibuprofen and have laid off the golfing since. The pain is now not nearly as bad but when I try to turn my neck to the left it strains that same spot in my back and I cannot turn my neck as far as I used to be able to, I can only turn left slightly. Also I have my husband put pressure on the spot in my back last night and when pushed it a weird sensation and painful sensation and again shoots through to my chest area.

Do you think this is just a strained muscle that needs more than 2.5 weeks recovery time, or is it in your opinion that it could be something of a more serious nature.

Thank you for your time,

Hello Angela,

    The injury you described is very common.  The nature of the injury occurs from expansion or twisting of the rib cage which can cause a subluxation (displacement) of the head of the rib where it inserts into the spine.  There are many ligaments that wrap around the costovertebral joint (spine rib junction) when the rib moves out of place it can sprain or tear these ligaments and cause a severe stabbing pain which can radiate along the rib cage to the front of the chest where the rib inserts anteriorly.  On occasion people will think they are having angina related to the heart.  This injury can be persistant lasting months, due to scar tissue and the time for the ligaments to heal.  Usually with myofascial work on the affected area, adjusting the rib back into place, and acupuncture will resolve the condition in 2-4 weeks depending on severity of the sprain and displacement.  Always ice with sharp pain and light stretching.

Have a great day,
Dr. Brendon O'Brien D.C.

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