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toes numb
9/26 8:57:06

Hello, I am experiencing numbness in 2 toes, but no
back pain.  Should I see a chiropractor? I just moved to
Boise, Id.  Thank you

Hi Donna,

Having a couple numb toes usually means a pinched nerve a bit proximal(toward the head) to the numbness. Depending on the two toes and where they are, it could mean the peroneal nerve branches that pierce the back of the outside ankle bone or proximal fibula. These two areas are susceptible to trauma resulting in numbness and motor loss that supply the dermatome the nerve innervates(supplies). It is important you identify the source of the entrapment and decompress it. Any qualified D.C. should be able to handle this. An EMG would narrow it down but they are expensive and painful. If you think hard enough, you may remember a trauma just below the knee or around your ankle. If you can identify when and what hit you, it will be easier to diagnose.

Good Luck!
Dr. Timothy Durnin

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