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pains in both my legs
9/26 8:58:37

about 4 months, i pulled a muscle in my left leg, went to the chiropractor a few times, felt better.  well pulled again after doing some stretches.  went back to chiropractor and now the pains are shooting down both my legs.  i took an mri last week that showed a small herniated disc around my L5 and S1.  one chiropractor said from the results he read, there was no pinched nerve or nerve damage.  my left leg is twitching most of the time now and both my legs hurt.  i am on pain killers and muscle relaxers at night, but looking for other treatment.  i know it won't be a "quick fix" but i need something to relieve the pains and heaviness in my legs.  any suggestions on exercise, or stretches.  one doctor told me it might just be inflammation.. i think not.. inflammation does not cause twitching.  i have also been doing massages about 1 every two weeks, but that doesn't last very long.  physical therapy is an option?  i am not one for exercising.  


Physical therapy is an option.  However, it would be a good idea to find out more about what is causing your problem.  Twitching is sometimes a sign of nerve compression.  If massages reduce your symptoms, and chiropractic joint manipulation reduces your symptoms, then odds are that there is a mechanical component to your problem.  I would suggest that you schedule a visit with a physiatrist (an MD that specializes in musculoskeletal conditions) and also that you have another close look at that MRI. Since I don't know much about you, personally, it is not possible to provide "quick fix" answers.  I agree that there is no inflammation.  Lack of magnesium can also cause muscle cramping and twitching.  Find a good magnesium supplement and see if that helps.  Take it three times per day.  At very high doses it will cause loose stools, so you want to take it at doses that do not reach that threshold.  

'Hope this helps.

Dr. G

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