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chronic neck, lower back, shoulder and knee pain
9/26 8:39:36

QUESTION: I am 32 years old amd have had chronic pain from my neck to my knees for as long as i can remember.  My joints pop all the time. I have to pop my back and neck several times a day to ease the pain. Pain killers don't work at all. What can i do? I have seen many doctors about this through out tje years and found that i have fibromialgia. Any suggestions?

ANSWER: Erica,

Has anyone checked to see if you have a "hypermobility syndrome," also known in it's worst form as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome?    Also, consider getting soft tissue therapy via in case your pain is related to fibrotic fascia.  Also check out, as this combines instrument assisted soft tissue mobilizaton with exercises;   I'm curious what the "many" doctors have tried with you, or was it many of the same doctors giving you the same advice?    You must also consider you level of fitness, your D3 (vitamin D, which is not a vitamin) status, and your psychological well being (e.g. any depression or post traumatic stress disorder?).   

'Hope this was helpful.

Dr. G

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The doctors I've seen have told me my pain is psychological and have me antidepressants some doctors gave me muscle relaxers. None has worked. My " pops" are not popping out of joint just cracking sounds. I've had X-rays that shows my neck is perfectly straight, doctor gave muscle relaxers for that. No other tests have been done.


Okay, I understand that they cannot find any mechanical cause for your pain and have simply Rx'd drugs.   That's what they are trained to do.   But you have not answered my questions:  Has anyone checked to see if you have a "hypermobility syndrome," also known in it's worst form as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome?     Have you checked out or considered soft tissue therapy via in case your pain is related to fibrotic fascia?   (fascia does not show up on an x-ray, and x-ray is the last thing to do for someone with your kind of pain).    Have you  checked out, as this combines instrument assisted soft tissue mobilizaton with exercises?   How many different types of doctors have you tried?    The same type of doctor is likely to give you the same type of advice...     What is your level of fitness, your D3 status (vitamin D, which is not a vitamin, but is a hormone that can affect everything).     Do you suffer from clinical depression or do you have any post traumatic stress disorder?.     Muscle relaxors are not going to "un-straight" your neck, but they could cause you to feel worse if you have a joint hypermobility syndrome.    

Dr. G'  

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