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neck and back clicking
9/23 17:43:06

Recently I started hearing loud clicking noise coming from my neck. People around me could hear the clicking.
Within the last 3 weeks I noticed that my lower back started to do the same thing. When I turn over in bed at night my back clicks. When I am walking or exercising my back clicks. I am very concerned about this.
Can you give me some information on some possible causes of this clicking.
Thanks, Penny

Dear Penny,

The clicking is typical of people with moderately tight muscles in the neck or back.

When the muscles are very tight, there is no clicking, but restricted movement and often problems like bulging discs and nerve pain.

When the muscles are free, there is freedom of movement and no clicking.

If you want to get rid of the clicking and avoid problems in the future, get one of the somatic training programs that reset muscular tension toward normal and improve movement.  I'd recommend the program, "Free Yourself from Back Pain," for which a preview is available by sending email to [email protected].  This is an electronic download.

Manipulative methods like massage and chiropractic don't reset muscular tensions and so are usually only temporarily effective.

There are articles at for a better understanding.

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