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sudden shoulder pain
9/23 17:37:25

My shoulder just began to hurt today out of no were. I was walking straight back not turning my head or caring something in my arm. I had been doing some moderate lifting yesterday but that is nothing new.the pain was sudden and sharp it lasted for about thirty minutes. I could still move my arm in all directions except I could put no weight on it. I had to hold it up like shrugging. then it just went away.

Dear Kathleen,

I wouldn't be to worried about this.  What you have described could have been caused by numerous benign and transient issues in the soft tissue.  Moreover, it resolved spontaneously, and you haven't reported any loss of function or residual pain.

Make sure that you monitor any additional symptomatology or recurrence, and see if you can place weight on it now without discomfort or limitation.  If the problem returns, if you have actually lost function, or numness and tingling is present into the arms, then make an appointment to have the neck and shoulder complexes examined.

Dr. J. Shawn Leatherman

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