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spine cracking
9/23 17:33:52

hi, my name is sabrina, i am 15 years old and i've been having really strange
back problems.
I haven't had any injury or anything of that sort but recently my back has
been cracking everytime i take a deep breathe.
it happens on the top of my spine and on the same spot everytime.
I don't know what it is and i was just wondering if its bad.
I got it checked today but they just said that i need to fix my posture but not
much more.

I agree that this is a postural issue.  The cracking you hear is a hinge in your body (there are hundreds) that is being forced to move more than it normally would... hence the noise.  When you have normal posture, (your chestbone up to the ceiling), the spine moves very little with breathing.  Huched over, it can create lots of pressure on it, moving that little hinge.  If it does it all the time, it can become inflamed and turn arthritic.  better to address it now and never have to deal with it again. Hope this answer helps.
Dr. Peter Carr

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