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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Back and Neck Injury > Back/neck
9/23 17:40:07

Two years ago i fell 13feet.Fractred my #2 lumbar.When we looked at the xray it was cracked on the top and bottom and the boney fragment was right next to my spinelcord.[Compression fracture]I did not get surgey,In three mounths time lots of pain.I was alot better. running,  some things i could no longer do like lay on my stomach and sit for long periods of time.Now for about two months its almost like ive just got hurt.Iam having reacurring muscle pulls in my neck at times iam in horrible shape for three to four days.driveing and rideing are difficult.And when its at its worst my neck is pulled to one side.Muscle spazms are inbetween my shoulders and up the back of neck.And my right hand at times will turn blueish purple and get real cold.This seems to be happening more and more.Hip pain and leg weekness.Lots of pain in neck and back when i just try to do normal tasks.Made an app. To see back Doctor i seen when i frist injured back.But he cant see me untill May 25th.And this is not getting better.Any advice you could give me would be very gratefull Thanks Karen

Quick answer, see a chiropractor.  This will help with the muscle spasms, which are most likely due to a misalignment in the spine.  When you fell, you probably hurt more than L2, but that was what was most important to fix at the time.  Now that it is "better", the body is finding more things that are "wrong".  Not all chiropractic is the same though.  I am a member of a group of chiropractors that use a gentle technique that is very safe, even for injuries such as yours.  If you are interested, go to to locate a doctor near you.  I am in St. Paul, Minnesota and would be more than happy to see you.  If you have any other questions or concerns, please email me.

Dr. Starbuck

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