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Question about pinched nerve?? Well possile pinched nerve??!?!
9/23 17:42:57


I am a white female in her mid to late 30s and for the past 2 months I have been noticing SEVERE pain radiating down my left arm from my shoulder blade down to the tips of my fingers.. At times it just feels as if my fingers are numb, and the pain is so severe at night that I have to stay up and cry all night long.. I've been to the hospital several times due to this and they have set me up an appointment with a Neuorologist... My Question is, does this indicate a pinched nerve in the neck and if it does could you tell me what the steps are to correct that problem?Could this cripple me? THANKLS!


It does sound just like a pinched nerve in your neck, and it won't cripple you, but you would do well to deal with it soon.

It's not a surgical situation; the most common cause of pinched nerves is overtight muscles.  You have to retrain yourself to relax those muscles.

Please see the article at, which talks about neck muscle tension and pinched nerve symptoms.  The article offers options for a solution.

with regard,
Lawrence Gold

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