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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Back and Neck Injury > Numbness in thigh
Numbness in thigh
9/23 17:41:08

Hi Lawrence,

I am 28 years old and have had no history of back pain or any back-related problems.  (Occasionally my lower back hurts when I run, but that's it.)  About 10 years or so ago I noticed a numb spot on my left thigh.  The numb area is about the size of my hand.  I have had no feeling there ever since.

I never thought much about it because I've never had a problem exercising or moving the leg, and the numb area never got any bigger -- until just recently.  When I told my doctor he asked me if I had any back problems and I told him "no".  Then he shrugged and said he didn't know what could be causing it.

Can or will this ever go away?  Thanks in advance for your help!


Dear Rob,

It's already gone away; what you want is for it to come back.

Back pain indicates excessive muscular tension in back muscles.  The same muscles often cause neighboring vertebrae to squeeze too closely together, trapping nerve roots -- leading to numbness or pain.

For more of an understanding and guidance of what to do about it, see the articles on back pain at

with regard,
Lawrence Gold

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