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Recuring Pain from cracked ribs...years ago
9/23 17:40:16

I got kicked in the ribs about 10 years ago, and after an X-ray it was determined that I had 4 or 5 hairline fractures. I also had a cracked sternum(hairline). Somedays not very frequently I get pains just like I had 10 years ago, and it sounds like the bones pop when i stretch sometimes. Usally I'll have limited range of motion on one side. Is this normal? Do these injuries ever fully heal?

Dear Johnny,

The hairline fracture that you speak of healed a long time ago, but the popping that you continue to experience is actually in the cartilage and ligament structures that help to hold the connection of the ribs to the vertebra and sternum, as well as the internal coverings called the fascial slings.  

Rib injuries as a whole can be difficult to deal with and many times result in long-term difficulties because of the fact that they are difficult to immobilize for various reasons when healing.  This leads to longer healing times for the bones which is not that big of a deal, but also incomplete healing of the ligament and cartilage structures because there is often no rehab programs for individuals who have experienced rib injuries.  This can leave you with abnormal scar tissue formation and adhesions around the ribs which is likely responsible for the ongoing loss of range of motion and continuing pain.

What I would recommend for you is to make sure that you continue active stretching of the torso to include advanced yoga type stretches.  You may also need to have some manual myofascial release to the rib area/covering which will probably not feel real good and may actually be a bit painful.  But this will help to free up any restrictions and alleviate any chronic inflammation in the area.  Try measures for a few weeks and monitor your progress.  If you are continuing to experience pain in the same areas, I would do some research on PROLOTHERAPY.  This is an emerging treatment provided by injection by medical doctors, and the research has shown very promising results in the elimination of pain in cases such as yours.  You will easily find information on the internet.

Good Luck Johnny!
Dr. J. Shawn Leatherman

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