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another question i am wondering about
9/23 17:39:07

QUESTION: you had answered to my question on link
and it was very helpful, but am also wonder most of all is could this paraspinal spasm caused nerve damage to the left side of my body. my right side is completely "in tact" you could say. i have perfect posture on the R side but not on the L side. i use to be a bilinguel?? person...writing,kicking,baseball,basketball,etc.  before this accident happened i was 170 lbs, did the same job of lifting 40-80 by myself and anything up to 400 with a 2nd help repetitively for 9hrs a day and would run 6 miles a day after work then go to the gym and play basketball and lift weights another 4-5hrs. then wake up and do it all over again. since then ive gradually become more active and mor tired during and after work. within the last year 4hrs into work my body especially my back would be numb or tinggly because of the pain. after work i had to lay down because anything i did was painful and tiring.  even a shower or brushing my teeth. sleeping is hard to do. i have to lay face down with L arm which is the bad arm under my face and R leg bent up towards because of the lower back pain on the R side. how likely is it that the paraspinal spasm, then the work i do on top of it is causing my L side to lose its function. I am very scared as a 22 yr old male.  please help me. also if you could the favor of getting other doctors opinions too i would be very greatful for this. thank so much for taking your time to read and answer my question with great satisfaction to me

thank you again


I think your main question is if there is a possibility that you may develope nerve damage. As I haven't personally examined you, it is impossible to know your specific condition, I can tell you that it is very rare that a slipped or herniated disc will result in permanent nerve damage. Long before this becomes an issue, the pain would be so severe that treatment would have been sought well beforehand. I still think the Labral tear should be priority since leaving this without correction can lead to scar tissue and muscle atrophy. Muscle spasm is more than likely the wrong diagnosis. If what you are telling me is true, I would worry about an L4 or L5/S1 left sided disc herniation. Unless you have developed foot drop, (inability to walk on heels), then nerve damage is unlikely. The link I supplied in the previous post has certified physicians listed as well as their location. I suggest you make an appointment with either them or someone in your immediate area that has F/D tables. First and foremost you need a MRI to be sure, I can only give you an educated guess from the information supplied. I will be happy to help you but you need to see someone and get the proper imaging;: x-rays won't cut it.

Finally, why didn't the ortho recommend surgery for the labral tear? If he knows something I don't, I'm listening.

If you need a personal referral, then you will have to call me at the number I listed on the previous post.

Good Luck!
Dr Timothy Durnin

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i have an appt for an mri next for this, so i will find my answer about my back issues. my main idea right now is finding different doctors views and person experiences of my situation. i have trying to find a doctor of any sort who can determine if my paraspinal back spasm (re: 2 back spasms then 3rd caused body to freeze within 4 hrs of working but 3 spasms in 30 minutes) damaged or even ruptured nerves. Figuring my job is lifting repetitively 40-80 by oneself for 9 hrs a day my shoulders/arms would have the first effect, in this case my left. but also my left leg is losing its use. the inability to walk on heels i sorta have that on my left side. i never can "land" the same on my left foot, as well i can never pull my body forward using my left leg(engage in walking)unlike my right leg. im always landing hard on my right heel and the side of my left. running i land hard on my left foot but i land onfront portion of my foot like one should. running and walking i feel like im limping my left side. but back to my concern, could that spasm cause all of this and bc of my job it gradually became worst. ive read that some back injuries are unnoticed because mild or barely any pain is felt. could this also be true. at the time of the accident i was 20 5'9" 175lbs  leg press 700lbs bench press 310lbs and worked out everyday before my injury. i was very well built at the time and still am. i have a large frame body too. maybe because of my size i have more tolerance for pain possibly?  i will be contacting you for referral and for more conversation when i find out more results.      thank you again for your time

Hi Ben,

The muscle spasm is a direct result of its nerve supply being compressed. The spasm happens as a result of another underlying issue. This is probably a herniated disc in the lower lumbar region. Many people can have nerve root compression and not feel it, this is because there are two nerves that exit the spine, a dorsal and ventral root. Since the ventral root only conveys motor and not sensory info, compressing it will result in motor loss that manifests into weakness and atrophy. The ventral root will only cause pain if compressed, most people have a combination of both roots being compressed. The spasm is only a result of some other issue, the MRI will reveal what that is. When you get the results I will review them with you and advise proper treatment. Let me know if you need more help.

Dr. Timothy Durnin

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