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neck shoulder and down right arm pain
9/23 17:37:24

I have a pain in my neck travelling through my shoulder and down my right arm i also have pins and needles in my index finger with some numbness as well i was just wondering if you know what these symptoms are the cause of and is there any pain relive as it is painfull no matter what position i get in

Dear James,

The pain pattern you have described is a classic radiculopathy pattern from the nerve roots in the neck.  The specific nerve root(s) involved are probably the C5, and C6 nerve roots.  The reason I can state this is because you have almost perfectly described the known pain patterns of these two nerves.  You can research this in any anatomy book, or physical diagnosis book at your local library or online.

What needs to occur now?  You need to be tested to find out why the nerve roots have been irritated.  You may have degenerative joint disease (arthritis) which means there are likely small bone spurs compressing or irritating the nerve roots, you may have degenerative disks which will reduce the amount of space where the nerve root exits the spine, you could have a right sided disk bulge or herniation creating the pain patterns, or there could be some type of space occupying lesion in the area.  

Bottom line is that you need to get to the doctor for an appropriate diagnosis.  A chiropractic physician or an orthopedist would be a good choice for this evaluation. A focused history and functional examination with neurologic and orthopedic testing should help to determine the cause, and lead the physician to either x-rays views of the neck or an MRI, to confirm the anatomy.  the results will determine the ultimate course of care options and prognosis.

Make the appointment James.  Good Luck.

Dr. J. Shawn Leatherman

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