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scholiosis issue
9/23 17:37:00

I have scholiosis in my back due to a spinal cord injury. I have everything and anything done in my back to help it but nothing has worked. I had rods put in my back but my back rejected them, then I had braces put on my back on and off and they weren't much help either. I workout to see would that help and it did somewhat, but is there anything new in this day and age that can help my back get it a bit more straight than what it is now. I use a wheelchair and my shoulders are un even due to my back injury, but what would you suggest please.

We help many people with Scoliosis and have seen some wonderful improvement from very minimal intervention.  However, once a person has undergone such an extreme as spinal surgery in an attempt to correct the Scoliosis, our work is extremely limited at best.  I am sorry to say that the only way that we would be able to help you is if you were to have the rods removed, and I do not know if that is even a viable option for you at this time.
Otherwise, the best I could tell you is to contact my good friend and Colleague Dr Marc Lamantia on Park Avenue in Manhattan, NY.  He has a license in a few states so he may be able to travel near you if you cant go to him.  He has done some wonderful work with scoliosis patients, and since it is unlikely that you are able to have the rods removed, he may be able to do something for you or at least point in the right direction.  I believe his website is
Yours in Best Health,
Dr Robert Arnone, DC
Upper Cervical Specific Doctor
"Brainstem Specialist"
711 Old Ballas Road Suite 104
St Louis, MO 63141

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