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what did i do to myself?
9/23 17:36:37

Last night, a bit inebriated, I fell asleep on my roommate's supersized bean bag.  I've slept on it many times before and have never had any problems with it.  Last night though, I woke up startled, and sat up quickly.  I felt a sharp pain a bit closer to my spine from my left shoulder blade, about shoulder blade height.  When I woke up in the morning I had a terrible time even sitting up, and I discovered that I cannot turn my head without feeling pain.  It feels like pulling when I try to turn my head.  What do you think I did?  About how much longer can I expect this to hurt?


Dear Nicole,

This does not sound like anything more than a good muscle strain.  With the location you have described, it could be in the trapezius muscle, rhomboid muscles or the levator scapulae muscle.  All of the above can result in pain with neck movements.

Here is the good news...although the pain can be high with movement, it usually will start to abate fairly quickly and you should see pain reductions and improved movement in the next 3-5 days.  Minor stretching will help, but make sure that you do not over-stretch the area...this will only prolong healing.  Taking a n ice hot shower before you stretch will heat up the tissue an allow for increased motion, but you should ice the area afterward.

If the pain does not reduce in the next few days, then get to the doctor and have it checked out.

Dr. J. Shawn Leatherman

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